Michael Payne, Inc.

Michael Payne, Inc. is not about what the designer wants, it is about the designer providing the client exactly what they want.

Mission Statement
Michael Payne, Inc. is devoted to the creation of beautiful, functional interiors for both residential and commercial projects, using the most technologically advanced and environmentally friendly solutions.
Value Statement
Michael Payne has decades of practical experience in interior design, with clients nationally and internationally. His HGTV show Designing for the Sexes aired for years on HGTV and now these shows are currently on Discovery+ “https://www.discoveryplus.com“. Michael’s public speaking events have been enjoyed nationwide for their depth and humor and he has designed and promoted products for major corporations. He is currently working with Lowe’s for their Livable Home program “https://www.lowes.com/n/how-to/update-your-home-for-accessibility“.